LiBr salt has a strong chemical bond and a lot of durability which is generally it is not depreciated due to the conditions in the absorption device. But because of the presence of supplements inside LiBr (Alkalinity factor and inhibitors and ……..) which can be changed and converted therefore testing and controlling the solution at various intervals will be necessary.
LiBr salt in the presence of metal and oxygen will become corrosion agent therefore to prevent this corrosion triangle inside of the chiller is air freed, and various inhibitors are used to prevent corrosion.
In LiBr solution content there are various types of inhibitors, alkalinity stabilization, PH control factor and organic chemicals that would increase refrigeration efficiency that except for LiBr salt all others are changeable and transferrable therefore for chemical stability of LiBr solution and also for fixing the proper cryogenic efficiency of the machine and to avoid depletion of internal tubes and metal sheath, tests and quality control and soluble recovery ultimately, for each working season at least one recycling of the solution is recommended. (This is also recommended by international reputable companies such as Carrier, Trane and ….)
Chemical LAB:
According to the materials stated about the need to control and recycle the materials in Lithium Bromide solution, chemical testing and recycling is performed by the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory as follows:
PH test and control (Acidic and alkali range)
Alkalinity control
(OH) amount test
Testing a variety of corrosion inhibitors which consist: LiNo3, Li2Cro4 and Li2Moo4
Testing and controlling organic matter that increases the absorption capacity of LiBr and prevents mixing of substances with condenser water.
Test and determine the amount of heavy metals dissolved (as Cu)
Test and determine the size of suspended particles (Which causes the nozzles to clog, therefore leads to a decrease in the cooling efficiency)
Results of experiments:
Test topic: Measuring the components of the lithium bromide solution for absorption chillers and determining the amount of impurities present and, if necessary, prescribing a chemical supplement to provide the chemical monomer of the solvent component
w/w | 53% | 51.9% | LiBr .nH2O |
Kgr/Lit | 1.58 | 1.56 | Density |
Kgr/chiller | 795 | 795 | DRY SALT |
Kgr/chiller | 1500 | 1530 | Mass |
Liter | 950 | 980 | Volume |
Gr/liter | 68.6 in 53% | 66.3 in 51.9% | Li+ |
Gr/liter | 790 in 53% | 764 in 51.9% | Br- |
PPM | Li2CrO4 | UN.Normal | Inhibitor |
PPM | 640 | 398 ** | Cr(VI) |
PPM | 1600 | 961 ** | CrO4 = (Li 2CrO4 ) |
PPM | .N.D | 20.0 ** | NO3- |
PPM | 150 | .N.D | MOO4= (Li2MoO4) |
N | 0.030 | 0.012 **** | Alkalinity |
gal | 3 | Normal | Alcohol |
Acid – Base | 7.5-9.5 | 7.5 | PH |
PPM | Max 300 | 517 ** | Na |
PPM | Max 1.0 | 32.5 ** | Ca |
PPM | Max 1.0 | 4.8 ** | Fe |
PPM | Max 1.0 | 84.5 ** | Cu |
PPM | Max 5 | ! 320 ** | Total Sus. Solids |
ITEM IS CRITICAL (****) Solution Ref
Water Ref In *** Ton Chiller : galon
In *** Ton Chiller : kg 1500